HASSAN ALI OMAR is a 42 year old who is a father of 7 children living in Xijjalab village in Cabdudwaaq district at Galmudug region. The village is approximately 36km from Cabdudwaaq town; the village’s population is 55HHs whose major income is livestock products like meat, milk and butter.

Hassan was selected to be among one of the UCT (Unconditional Cash Transfer) due to lacking one of the most significant organ which is eyes (he is blind) and having a number of children of which he could not able to win their daily breads. As I have visited him at his house it was apparently clear that he is one of the most vulnerable people living there since signs and symptoms of poverty can observed clearly his compound. Hassan’s children were not dressing well as he told me that he only bought cloths for the children once in a blue moon (very rare) due to finical instability.

I have asked him, how this project had helped him and whether he will be still rely on it, this is how he responded  as I have quoted his words,” thank you for the question. In fact it’s hardly to express my feeling inside out and cannot even describe 2 or 3 sentences how this project had helped me, but let me try to mention one or two.

  • Tears rolled down when I heard my children laughing loudly due to happiness and joyful after I have bought new clothe for them from the money I had received FAO through UCT program
  • I managed to buy basic needs like food to my family through payments from FAO received at MV office for 7 payments
  • Previously whenever one of my children got sick, I used to worry a lot because I had zero coin to buy medicine, but now alxamdullahu(thanks to God) I can buy any type of drug that can be treated my child because I made some saving to consume during serious issues.
  • This project brings harmony, peaceful, interaction and understanding among the community in my village
  • It also eradicates and eliminates hatred and raises love hood among the community in the village

 As matter of fact, I cannot list all the benefits and positive effect that this project has.

I am yearning to thank (FAO) which is the one funding the project and how they are ready to give us such unforgettable help. I Hassan would like to be forwarded my message to (FAO) representative

“Please keep on helping us, because a person can survive without food for long time but without water it is so hard one to remain alive and the reason as to why am saying is; water is the most essential thing in our entire live.’ therefore my second thanks goes to (ARS) the one which is responsible for this project, I on behalf of Xinalab people is highly appreciating your hard work, perseverance, endure and the endless support”.

Abdikadir abdullahi omar (80 years) is a grandfather of 8 children’s living in Mirjicle village Cabudwaaq district, Galgaduud region. The village is approximately 45 km from Cabudwaaq town and the population of the village is estimated to be approximately 2,300 HH predominantly pastoral communities. Abdikadir was one of the selected beneficiaries for FAO ARS NGO cash for work project with UCT in Mirjicle village and he earned 446.5 USD of money for a period of 5months He is among the most vulnerable household living in the village.

Abdikadir was happy to be a beneficiary of Unconditional Cash Transfer (UCT) and thanked both FAO and ARS NGO for giving this vital opportunity of targeting the most vulnerable in the community.

Abdikadir said, I am sick, old who can get whatever he needs, I thank the donor, the implementing organization for giving me this opportunity and I hope this one will not be the last.

After the project I have earned 693.5USD. This has helped me to buy food. It has also helped me to health facility, water utilities, and children quran fees.


Xaadsan Xanshi Aden is a female character who is living dhumoodle village under cabdudwaaq district in Galmudug region. She is at the age of 40 years who had mothered 8 children, the village that madam Xaadsan living is 65KM away from northern part of Cabudwaaq town with an estimate population of 810HHs. As she told me that she never gone beyond the village, since she was born there, grown up, married and even gave birth to the 8 children and this indicates that she had zero interest of seeing or visiting others. She was selected as one of the CFW beneficiaries due to her age which middle, strength and being a hardworking person who is able to take part any activity related the project, Madam Xaadsan told me that this t project had changed her lifestyle because she never get any aid from anywhere and now she is so glad and thankful to FAO whose the Funded NGO as well as ARS of being implementing successful. She was continuing saying as I was quoted “If I contrast our situation before the project and the currents status in fact there are great difference that I cannot mention all here.

Previously I used to fetch water from far off distance with a lot fear and lonely but now I can get enough water from water catchment in my village.

I used to have one time meal due to shortage of food that had caused prolonged drought but now we consume three times meals as breakfast, lunch and dinner and this due to payments received from CFW project. It has no doubt that everything in my life had changed positively. I could have urged FAO and other NGOs to continue helping us since we are the most vulnerable people and 98% of the families living around dhumoodle village are below the line of poverty and this had created people to be thoroughly dependent on humanitarian Aids in additional to that I am specially person since I am a moneyed women and I would like to be given specially care