Action Relief Somalia (ARS) it is one of the Service provider/implementing partner of WFP(world food program) that were assigned FFA(Food For Asset) project. The targeted beneficiaries for this project is 1491HHs and its duration is 12 months(1 year), the project has 2 phases.

Phase1 is from January to December 2019.

Phase2 will start from May to December 2019.

The project activities are:

  • Water Catchments
  • Berkeds
  • Shallow Wells
  • Vegetable /fruit /crop garden
  • Fodder Production
  • Tree-planting/Nurseries
  • Soil Bunds

Compensation for the beneficiaries after every month for 4 months are classified into two:

  1. Voucher
  2. in-kind food

and this classification depends the type of activity.

it is apparently clear that this project will create job opportunities for the local communities living around Adaado district.

Each beneficiary has the right to posses his/her own card whereby at the end of every months for project duration, ARS staff will be responsible for top up their scope cards after that the beneficiary has the right to go any shop registered under WFP without limitation and threaten. ARS monitors will be visiting rehabilitation areas twice for every week to control how the activities are going on and they also responsible for listening beneficiaries’ challenges.