Action Relief- Somalia (ARS) was founded in 2011 as a Non-governmental, not-for profit, Non-religious community based organization to operate in the whole of South Central Somalia. Since its inception, ARS has reached hundreds of thousands of Somalis through provision of Human relief services including food, shelter and water. In addition, with partnership from Humanitarian Organizations including UN agencies, ARS had implemented Water, and Sanitation (WASH) projects in Mudug, Galgadud and Mogadishu regions of central Somalia including the IDPs. ARS has also used its expertise in health to reach the malnourished children in these regions through supplementary feeding, referrals and general treatment. Most important to note, has been our continued support in rehabilitation and development of productive assets including roads, water catchments and dams in Galgadud and Mudug region


Capacity building

Vocational skills development, rehabilitation and development..

Environmental Protection

Tree planting, community sensitization,

Enhancing livelihood

Construction of shallow wells, water harvesting ponds and vegetable garden.

Peace Building & Reconciliation

Conflict resolution and management, community empowerment.

Emergency Shelter

Provision of emergency shelter to IDPs and returnees..

Water, sanitation & health(WASH)

Rehabilitation of water points, provision of latrines to IDPs..